Host Hotel info
Attendees can now make reservations by calling the hotel at 256.971.1850 and using the Group Name: Vets with Vettes Car Show Group Code: 90N.
All reservations must be made by the cutoff date of 5/10/23 in order to secure the discounted rate.
Hampton Inn and Suites
7010 Cabela Drive,
Huntsville, AL 35806
TEL: +1-256-971-1850
Group Name "Vets for Vettes Car Show"
Group Code : 90N
Thank you for another great event - see you next year!
Proceeds Benefit Several Local Charities Semper Fi Community Task Force • Survivor Outreach Service

Tentative Agenda:
Please no arrivals before 8:00 AM to allow time for us to complete set up, thank you
9:00 AM – 11:30AM: Open Registration for Charity Show
9:00 AM – 12:20 PM: Silent Auction – announce winner at 12:30 PM
Door Prize Drawings every 15 minutes starting at 9:45 AM to 11:45 AM
10:00 AM – 12:25 PM: 50/50 Raffle – announce winner at Show Close
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM: Vehicle Judging; Complete by 12:30 PM
12:30 PM: Silent Auction; Hornbuckle Detail Auction, and Plinko winners announced
12:45 PM: Awards – Sponsor Awards followed by Trophy Presentations, Cabela’s Prize
1:00 PM: Show closes and announce 50/50 Winner– clean-up!
Online Deadline 9PM June 1st
Registration will be available on site beginning 9AM